
How to add someone to your network?

  1. Start by tapping on the QR icon located in the app bar on the home page.
  2. The app will navigate to the Scan QR page, so you scan the QR code on the person's card.
  3. Upon successful QR code scan, you will be redirected to the Show Card page to view the person's card information.
  4. To finalize, tap on the "Save to 1Me" button on the Show Card page to add this person to your network.

How reach you network?

  1. Tap on the menu icon located in app bar on the home page.
  2. In the side menu, select "Your Network" to access your network.
  3. To view those who saved your cards, tap on "Followers".
  4. To view a person's profile, simply tap on the individual's name or avatar.
  5. After tapping, you'll be redirected to the individual's profile page.
  6. To view detailed card information, tap on the card you want to explore.

How delete your card from someone who saved it?

  1. Tap on the menu icon located in app bar on the home page.
  2. Select "Your Network" from the side menu.
  3. Inside your network, tap on "Followers" to see who has saved your card.
  4. Select the specific individual you wish to disconnect from.
  5. Once selected, you'll be redirected to the profile page of the chosen person.
  6. Disconnect by tapping the delete icon on the desired card.

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