Business Contacts

Business Contacts

Your business contacts represent means of communication with your organization, you  can also show some of these contacts on top of your employees' cards

Add New Business Contact

You can add limitless contacts for your organization, managing and displaying these contacts on employee cards for reference.

  1. Choose the 'Contact Type'
  2. Enter content of your contact
  3. Enter title of your contact
  4. Click on "How to get" if you need a hint
  5. Click on 'Add contact'

Edit Business Contact

In case you need to edit your business contact

  1. Locate the specific business contact you want to edit.
  2. Click on the edit icon associated with that contact.
  3. Begin modifying the information as needed.
  4. After making the changes, click on "Apply Changes" to save the updated information.

Delete Business Contact

To delete a contact from your business contacts, you can choose to take action individually or use bulk action.

Note: if you delete a contact, it will be removed from any card in your business cards.

  1. Locate the specific business contact you want to delete.
  2. Click on the trash icon associated with that contact.
  3. Click Proceed
  1. To delete contacts in bulk, select one or more contacts
  2. Click on Delete
  3. Click Proceed

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