1Me Business Dashboard

1Me Business Dashboard

Welcome to 1Me Business Edition!, after you join 1Me business app you will find an empty dashboard so you need to start build your organization to show more effective statistic about your organization contacts, your card views or download from different countries around world!, and your top employees in your organization and others.

Organization Overview

Now that you've built your organization, it's time to showcase your statistics, highlight top employees, and provide insights into your current subscription plan and Monthly Corporate Traffic, and others. 

Monthly Corporate Traffic 

Monthly Corporate Traffic is a important statistic that encapsulates the Total Downloads and Total Views for each month. Our dynamic charts break down these metrics on a weekly basis, offering a comprehensive view of your organization's performance.

The detailed charts allow you to easily navigate through the weeks within a month, providing a granular understanding of how downloads and views fluctuate. Furthermore, the Top Countries section highlights the regions where significant views and downloads occurred during the month.

Effortlessly switch between months using the select list to explore and compare statistics over different periods. Stay informed and make data-driven decisions with our user-friendly interface designed to enhance your organization's performance analysis

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